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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Electrickery 3

I had 4 T250 at one point in the workshop and ALL of them are (were) wired up with this regulator. One bike is broken in spares now.

2 of the Ts are 69 and in original shape, no bodging electrically, they come from different parts of the country... can't be the same mechanic.

The connectors are original and both original bikes are wired EXACTLY the same (color of wires, connectors and all)...

As I said, Switzerland was used as a test market (because of license laws) and often got "specialized" models for the Swiss market.

I am pretty sure signals were an option for you guys, but here they had to be on.... of course you could remove them, but for model approval on the DMV side, it was easier for the importer to slap them on and get the approval done.

This is getting interesting... I will mock up a wiring diagram with this thing on... I am not brilliant (aprt from bulbs) with the electrics. Stay tuned.

Posted by Spike at 8:39 AM
Edited on: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:10 AM
Categories: Suzuki T250